The Hebrew word “Nephilim” means fallen ones...
Also known as the Grigori or Watchers are believed to be the children from the union between angels and human women.
"When men began to increase on earth and daughters were born to them, the divine beings saw how beautiful the daughters of men were and they took wives from among those that pleased them. It was then, and later too, that the Nephilim appeared on earth - when the divine beings cohabited with the daughters of men, who bore them offspring. They were the heroes of old, the men of renown.” (Genesis 6:2-4.)
To read more please visit Grace Thru Faith , Bible Probe and Christian Churches of God
The Nephillims were the titans, pans, gods, goddesses, pharaohs, and fawns, Greek, Roman and Norse mythological gods and goddesses, emperors, priests, shamans... They ruled over mankind and corrupted them.
How did they die?
God sent the angel Gabriel to incite them against each other. Tead more visit Encyclopedia Mythica.
Book of Jubilees (ancient Jewish religious work) (7:21-25) also states that ridding the Earth of these Nephilim was one of God's purposes for flooding the Earth in Noah's time.
Could they still live among us?
Genesis 6:4: The Nephilim were upon the Earth in those days and thereafter too. Those sons of the gods who cohabited
with the daughters of the Adam, and they bore children into them. They were the Mighty Ones of Eternity, the People of the Shem.
This seems to clearly imply that the Nephilim were also on the Earth after the flood of Noah.
According to the Book of Enoch (work ascribed to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah and son of Jared, God granted ten percent of the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim to remain after the flood, as demons, to try to lead the human race astray
Are the Nephilim behind UFOs, legendary Atlanteans, vampires and werewolves.
Some people believe this to be true. Read here and here to learn more.
Xenithians can be divided into two groups:
-The good Nephilim, who retained the use of the name Xenithian after their home world Xenith and continue to watch over mankind. They are the Guardians. The Cardinal Guardians hunt down demons.
-The bad Nephilim (demons), led by demoness Coronis chose immortality and power over mankind, are called the
Hermonites. Their goal is to destroy humanity and take over the world.
· Fallen Angels: Angels sent to earth by God to protect humanity who strayed and intermarried with humans.
· Nephilim: The children descended from the union of fallen angels and humans.
· Guardians: Good Nephilim.
· Cardinals: Guardians with the ability to control energy, solids, water, air, time and psi/mind.
· Civilians: Guardians with limited abilities who support the Cardinals financially and by monitoring demonic
· Hermonites/Demons: Nephilim who can choose to be good or bad.
· Primes: Powerful demons with the ability to control energy, solids, water, air, time and psi/mind.
· Souled Demons/Neutrals: Demons and children of demons who have given up their evil ways and/or have no
interest in hurting humans.
· Neteru: Nephilim who don’t have the ability to shift into other beings, form or sprout non-human body parts.
· Nosferatu: Vampire Nephilim.
· Werenephil: Shape-shifter Nephilim.
· Lazari: Werenephils that can shift into smoke-form.
· Nephling: Nephilim with one human parent or grandparent.
· Nature-benders: Nephilim with the ability to manipulate nature.
· The Brotherhood: Short for the Brotherhood of Guardians—Souled Demons who live in a closed community with
their own chosen leaders, are peaceful, and don’t side with Guardians or demons.
· The Chosen One: The most powerful Guardian, prophesied to unite the Nephilim.
· Kris Dagger: A powerful dagger the Chosen One uses to channel and direct his or her psi energy.
· Psi or psi energy: Psychic energy channeled by Nephilim.
· Alrunes: soul mates.
· Tartarus: The abyss where fallen angels and evil Nephilim can be sent.
· Alphas: Energy balls created by Cardinal Energy Guardians.
· Omegas: Energy balls created by ordinary energy demons.
· Omnis: Energy balls capable of great destruction, produced by powerful demons. Only one person can destroy them,
The Chosen One.
· Teleport: Move from place to place by dematerializing and rematerializing.
· Telegate: An energy pathway left behind when someone teleports.
· Medium: A human psychic who channels communication between humans and Nephilim.
· Mimic: To shift and copy another being.
· Athame: a powerful dagger used by demons.
· Psi-dar -radar: the Civilian Psi Guardians use to monitor demonic activity in each sector of the world.
Why I chose the Kris Dagger
Kris Daggers are sacred blades indigenous to Malaysians, Indonesians and the southern Philippine people.
-It is made from iron ore found in the earth and meteorites from the sky, therefore it represent the holy union of man and God.
-Also known as keris dagger or kriss dagger, it is believed they posses magical, supernatural and spiritual properties.
-legend has it that they can protect their owners, warn them of imminent danger and allow them to see the future.
-Read more on these amazing daggers visit Ancient Karis and Wikipedia.
-Kriss dagger in fantasy world, visit Runescape Wiki.