Ednah Walter's Passing

Hello, dear fans of Ednah Walter. I'm her daughter, Margaret. This has been long overdue and I apologize for the long wait. I'm currently out of school for the time being and have finally regained access to the website to bring this message to you. I hope this can address the questions relating to my mother and the future of her series and company, Firetrail Publishing. Again, I'm so sorry that it took so long.
For those who are sadly unaware, my mother, Ednah Walters, or who I knew as Isabel Ednah Odongo McFarland, sadly passed away unexpectedly on September 16, 2017. It was a shock to everyone in our family and to everyone who knew her. Honestly, I still can't believe that she's gone and that it'll soon be two years since then. It still feels like yesterday when I last spoke with her. It's still very hard to talk about her some times and I wish had a time machine to go back and see her again.
But it's okay. My family and I are getting each and everyday and it's thank to you fans. And I think the one thing that gives me some peace was that she was content and unafraid of anything, especially of death. And I know that she's still here with me, my family, and all of the people she had an impact on. No matter how much time passes, I don't think anyone is ever going to forget her. She was a strong, wonderful, beautiful person inside and out and I feel blessed that I had her as my mother.
Here is a link to her obitruary for those who want to learn a little more about her: https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/hjnews/obituary.aspx?n=isabel-ednah-odongo-mcfarland&pid=186707328&fhid=4507
The future of Ednah Walter's books:
I saw several comments regarding the future of my mother's books. I'll do my best to address your concerns here.
Before she passed away, one of my mother's plans was to get the rest of her books translated into other languages. Most of the books in the Runes series are translated into French and I intend to continue this plan and hopefully get the other books translated, too. I'm currently looking for any translators that are available to help. Please contact me through the Contact Me page if you or anyone you know would be interested.
For those who were hoping for the continuation of her series, I'm afraid to say that at this point in time, I don't think this will happen. I unfortunately don't have the same skills in writing as my mother but even if I did, I don't think me or the other authors in her writing circle could do the series justice and, personally, it wouldn't feel right. Her writer friends and I may have assisted her with her stories in some way, but she was the true driving force of her stories and she knew her characters the best. My mother was the true brain behind the operations and only she knew how they would go. Again, I'm very sorry and I hope you all understand.
However, though I don't think I can continue the series, there were other plans that she and I discussed for a while before she passed away. Those plans are currently up in the air but I'm hoping to fulfill them. I won't say too much now because I don't want give off false hope but I promise that I will let everyone know if those plans do go through.
I want to thank all of you wonderful fans for your kindness and support for my mother. She loved talking to you all and I know she would've loved to meet every single one of you. You guys gave her the motivation to keep on writing her wonderful stories and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to send them through the Contact Me page and I'll do my best to answer them in due time.
Thank you again for your patience and kindness. I wish you all a blessed day and hope you continue to enjoys my mother's books and keep her characters and stories alive.
Margaret of Firetrail Publishing